Answered By: Allison McDermott
Last Updated: Dec 19, 2024     Views: 53

If you are either getting too many or not enough results when searching within the library, you will need to either narrow or broaden your search by taking the following steps: 

Too many results: 

Using the database's Advanced Search option, narrow your topic by adding additional keywords to the search boxes. 

For example, a search for Global Warming is a very broad search topic that would retrieve over 600,000 results.

Red box around the results number for the search global warming in Library OneSearch

Adding additional keywords such as rising sea levels and “Pacific Ocean” to the search has greatly reduced the results list to just over 1,500 results. 

Red box around the results number for the search global warming and rising sea levels and pacific ocean in Library OneSearch

Additionally, you can reduce your results list by limiting your search results to only display Scholarly/Peer Reviewed articles by selecting the Limit to Scholarly/Peer Reviewed box on the left side of the page. You can also use the other limiters, such as Publication Date, to further limit your results to be more current and relevant to your needs.

Filters in Library OneSearch. Red box around the checked Limit to Scholarly/Peer Reviewed box. Red box around the checked Past 5 Years box. Red arrow

Too few results: 

Try broadening your topic by removing keywords from your search.  

For example, a search for “student debt” and impact or effect or influence and first generation female college students is quite narrow and only retrieved 17 results.

Red box around the search results for a search in Library OneSearch for student debt and impact and first generation female college students

But eliminating female and searching for first generation college students has provided significantly more results. 

Red box around the results number for the search student debt and impact or effect or influence and first generation college students in the EDS

For additional tips and tricks to help broaden or narrow your search results and get the most out of your library research, see the Advanced Search Techniques tip sheet. 

If you still have questions you can chat in real-time with a librarian here. 

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