Answered By: Allison McDermott
Last Updated: Dec 18, 2024     Views: 86

SWOT is an acronym for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. It is a planning tool used to evaluate a business and can provide people with ideas on how to improve a business or help them determine if a new business will succeed. You can find a SWOT analysis on a specific business in the library by taking the following steps:

MarketLine Company Profiles

These profiles contain great reports for popular global brands that provide all sorts of marketing research, including SWOT reports. These profiles can be accessed by taking the following steps:

1. From the library's homepage, type the [business name] marketline into the Library OneSearch box. Then click search.

amazon marketline search within the Library OneSearch box.

2. Select the Access Now (PDF) button under the MarketLine Company Profile for your business.

Red box around the Access Now PDF button for the Marketline Amazon report

3. Once you have accessed the profile scroll down till you find the "Table of Content," which should be on the second page. Then click on SWOT Analysis to be taken to that section of the report.

SWOT Analysis highlighted in yellow

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