Answered By: Allison McDermott
Last Updated: Nov 12, 2021     Views: 78

Google Scholar provides you with a simple way to access scholarly literature online, most of which is free.

While we recommend that you begin your research in the UAGC Library since we have a robust selection of materials chosen specifically to help you complete your education, Google Scholar is another resource you may want to use.

You can access this resource by going to

From here, you can type your topic or keywords related to your topic into the basic search box.

Google Scholar basic search box

You also have the option of doing an advanced search within Google Scholar by clicking on the three lines in the top left corner, then Advanced Search.

How to access Google Scholar advanced search

This advanced search will allow you to find articles that contain specific words or return articles by a certain author or publication.

Advanced Search option for Google Scholar.

Please note that not all of the results will provide you access to the full-text of the article. If the full-text is available, you will see a link to the right of the citation.

Google Scholar article with access to full-text





For further assistance utilizing this resource please see the Google Scholar tip sheet.

If you find an article in Google Scholar that you would like to use but are not provided with the full-text you should:

  • First, do a thorough search of the UAGC Library to see if the desired or a comparable item is not available within our collection.   
  • If unable to locate the item within the library, you can put in an interlibrary loan (ILL) request. This service allows you to get materials we do not have in our collection from other libraries. This tutorial on how to put in an ILL request will provide you with more information on the ILL process.  

If you still have questions you can chat in real-time with a librarian here.

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